Generative AI Teaching as Research (GAITAR) Scholalrly Writing Program
... support GAITAR Fellows in writing and disseminating their research through weekly writing accountability groups (WAGs); workshops on scholarly writing productivity and writing and publishing TAR/SoTL; writing consultations; manuscript reviews; and writing retreats
What is it?
The GAITAR Scholarly Writing Program (SWP) leverages evidence-based scholarly writing strategies to support GAITAR Fellows in writing and disseminating their research. The cornerstone of the program is a weekly writing accountability group (WAG) meeting that provides support, accountability, and feedback as fellows draft an article suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed TAR journal. Supplemental workshops offer participants the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of scholarly writing productivity, sustainable writing habits and practices, and the conventions of writing and publishing TAR articles. The Eberly Center provides additional mentorship through individual writing consultations and manuscript reviews.
What is happening?
A group of nine faculty from the first cohort of GAITAR fellows participated in the Scholarly Writing Program pilot in fall 2024. After a launch workshop that shared research on writing productivity strategies, two writing accountability groups (WAGs) met weekly for ten weeks to provide feedback on drafts, write together in community, and check in with their progress toward weekly and monthly writing goals. Each WAG participant also received feedback and mentorship from an Eberly Center TAR consultant on their draft publication. The pilot program concluded with a panel discussion with TAR journal editors to discuss best practices in TAR and SoTL publishing. All nine fellows in the inaugural SWP completed manuscripts to disseminate the results of their GAITAR research projects.
How can CMU instructors of record participate?
Additional cohorts of GAITAR fellows who have completed their research projects and analyzed their data will be invited to participate in Scholarly Writing Program WAGs in spring 2025.